After treating chronic liver conditions for more than 40 years I want you to know…

“Why A Personalised Fatty Liver Diet Plan Is the Best and Most Reliable Way to Rescue & Repair Your Liver - And How You Can Achieve That”

For those diagnosed with fatty liver and looking to reverse the condition fast with liver healing foods, there is one thing that has to be present. One thing above all else to get you the best results quicker than any generic healthy diet plan. I mean a generic diet plan will work at a generic level isn’t it?

What is the One ‘Thing’, This “Secret Ingredient” of A Successful Fatty Liver Reversal with Diet?

A Personalised Fatty Liver Healing Nutrition Plan!!

Dear Friend,

Are you feeling lost on the choices of foods, calories and meals that you can make to keep your liver from failing? Have you been getting hold of the generic diet plans (paid and free pdfs) and yet struggling to put delicious liver healing meals together?

Do you sometimes feel the need of a hands-on expert, who can give you the exact steps on how to eat for repairing your liver and who could also hold your hands to keep you on the healing track?

Well! You are not alone. This is how I met majority of my patients, who have now reversed their fatty liver and mastered a liver healthy diet that is right for them and that they could happily stick to and still do.

A Healthy Diet Can Actually Reverse Fatty Liver Disease, But Not Just Any Generic Healthy Diet Plan

Fatty liver diagnosis isn’t easy! While it is indeed a relief to finally know what’s going on in your body and THE REASON behind your unbearable health issues, but the the fog of confusion and misery becomes denser the moment your test reports indicate that you have a fatty liver.

In a desperate effort to save your liver, you come across truck loads of confusing information with multitude of diets and foods that some say are good but some others suggest to avoid.

While this wasn’t enough, your doctor keeps telling you to lose weight! And you almost whisper…if only I could! As the diets that you have tried so far have seldom taken you anywhere on the weight loss graph….but only on the increasing weight side along with a compromised digestion!

A Generic Diet Plan Fails to Give Any Results, Often Leads to More Weight Gain and Nutritional Deficiencies

You know every individual has a unique body type and accordingly they have specific nutritional requirements and food choices. 

On the top, when you take into account factors related to the stage of fatty liver, your overall health and specific health symptoms, your current lifestyle (which decides how you are going to do it) and location (hence availability of foods); you will find that it is pretty hard to follow any generic diet plan.

Often you may miss some or more of the essential nutrients to put the pieces of a balanced and satiating meal together. 

Thus you feel deprived, hungry, undernourished and hence unable to pursue that diet plan (which once seemed like a magical pill to fix your liver).

While you drag yourself, try harder and harder, it becomes impossible to do it anymore and eventually you give in to either cheat or binge eat!

So, where to begin? How to fix your sick liver? How to lose weight? And above all how to find the right diet plan that will work for you?

The Most Powerful, Faster, Reliable Way to Lose Weight & Clear Fat From Your Liver - Especially If You Have Been Wanting to Become Healthy Once Again

Here's What You Should Expect

Cut the Eternal Confusion around Good Foods and Bad Foods

Simply because sometimes even the super-foods may not be the right foods for your health state, body type and stage of fatty liver.

And, if you end up taking the wrong super-foods based on suggestions by Dr. Google, it can seriously put your health at risk by worsening the fatty liver condition. 

That’s why it is utterly important to know which super-foods are good for you and how to take them for maximum health benefits.

The biggest secret to identifying the best foods that will actually repair your liver is revealed in your 1:1 consultation with your nutrition team at Medhya Herbals. 

Your nutrition team will guide you to develop an innate awareness and intuition around picking up foods according their effect on your liver, mind, and body.

And this itself sets the foundation of your healing journey by using food as medicine.

Find Relief from Constant Pain and Digestive Discomforts

When your liver is loaded with fats and toxins, they interfere with its normal functioning.

This often leads to elevated liver enzyme levels, an increased inflammation and pain in the body (specifically in the liver as it is constantly struggling) and constant digestive discomforts related to constipation, bloating, burping, belching, gas and often diarrhoea.

Ayurvedic nutritionists at Medhya Herbals pay special attention to restoring your digestive tract function with special herbs and spices that detox the liver, safely flush out the fats and toxins and promote regular bowel movement.

And with that, you will also experience all of the digestive discomforts and pain to become a thing of the past.

Boost Your Metabolism and Start Losing Weight

Weight gain is a symptom of slow metabolism due to an under functioning liver!

Thus fatty liver and weight gain are innately related, although fatty liver can also happen to lean people.

While for both obese and lean, fatty liver leads to high cholesterol levels and belly fat; obese people often struggle with stubborn weight that goes up fast but comes down with much difficulty.

Thus, depending on your specific health requirements, your nutrition team at Medhya Herbals will include diet strategies to speed up your metabolism so that you can kick-start your weight loss journey and experience healthy fat profile going forward.

Put an End to Constant Hunger and Food Cravings

When your blood sugar levels are on a constant roller coaster ride, then you struggle with food cravings and irregular appetite (constant hunger or none at all) symptoms.

In addition, the satiation factor of a meal is highly dependent on its effect on your blood sugar levels.

That’s why when you select, combine and cook the ingredients in the right proportion, it helps to release maximum nutrients from the foods that balance your blood sugar levels, detox and repair your liver and also deeply nourish your body.

And Much More! But Above All Else...

Your Personalised Nutrition Plan will give you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself, without painful symptoms holding you back!

Let the Healing Begin with Your Personalised Fatty Liver Nutrition Plan!

Here's What You will Get When You Subscribe...

2 Individualised Nutrition Consultations to Design & Track Your Nutrition Plan

2 Virtual Personalised Nutrition Consultations over a video or audio call with Ayurvedic Doctor (more than 40 years in Ayurvedic healing) & Nutrition Experts to chart out your personalised nutrition plan.

Here we will help you to gain insights into the assessment of your current liver health state per your specific symptoms and health reports. 

We will also include into factors as your current lifestyle, diet, budget and diet preferences.

Thus, based on what you need and what you prefer, we will together design a fatty liver diet chart and meal plans for you to reverse the condition.

Constant Online Support for 60 Days to Firmly Hold Your Hands to Achieve Success

60 Days of Virtual Support with Medhya Herbals Nutrition team to resolve all your queries regarding type of food, grocery shopping, food storage, cooking, quantities, food combinations and anything else you want to know.

Pop in all of your questions to our Ayurvedic Doctors and Nutrition experts to get immediate response and support on your liver healing diet plan.

Here we will guide you on the very specifics of how to remove all the roadblocks and make it possible for you to get the results from your personalised diet plan & and find relief from your current symptoms.

The Ultimate Fatty Liver Guide to get the Right Information for Natural Reversal

You will get lifetime access to Fatty Liver Guide (includes future updates as well), an online course to take at your own pace and develop extensive understanding of fatty liver disease, the causes, triggers, symptoms, staging and guidelines

This will help you to have deep awareness of changes inside your body per the functioning of liver and stage of FLD.

Thus, you can start taking cues from your own body, take preventive and curative measures around your diet, lifestyle and mindset (yes stress is what we are talking about!) to uplift your health state and reverse fatty liver in specific.

Your Personalised Nutrition Plan to Attain Your Health Goals with a Healthy Diet


Your Personalised Fatty Liver Healing Nutrition Plan with Food Lists to save you from intense symptoms of worsening liver health due to months and years of hit and trials towards finding the best foods for your liver.

Find here precise guidelines on food classifications in different food categories and according to how they should be included in your meals.

 This will help you to experience maximum health benefits to the liver and hence fastest recovery.

The Ultimate Collection of Highly Satiating Delicious Recipes to Heal Your Liver

Fatty Liver Diet Recipes (More than 250 recipes) including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, sauces and detox drinks to never run out of meal options and to experience varying tastes of food items while you rejuvenate your liver. 

Get a wide collection of liver healing meals that are super easy to prepare and so good that you will not miss the “cheat meals”and also save tonnes of money while eating delicious healthy meals.

Your Perfect Companion - A Guide to Crack the Fatty Liver Diet Code

Beat the cravings, constant hunger and digestive discomforts with our detailed guide on  “Handling The Biggest Pains of Fatty Liver”.

Here you will learn and practice kitchen herbs and spices that calm the constant abdominal pain, burning sensations, gas and feeling of being bloated.

Be on top of your digestive system health with handy and highly effective natural kitchen remedies.

Putting the herbs to use will also save you from popping pills, laxatives and antacids for your tummy problems.

Here's What You are Going to Get with Your Personalised Nutrition Plan

  • 2 Personal (1:1 on Video Call) Nutrition Consultations to Design & Track Your Nutrition Plan 
  • Constant Online Support for 60 Days to Firmly Hold Your Hands to Achieve Success 
  • The Ultimate Fatty Liver Guide to get the Right Information for Natural Reversal 
  • Your Personalised Nutrition Plan to Attain Your Health Goals with a Healthy Diet (Priceless)
  • The Ultimate Collection of Highly Satiating Delicious Recipes to Heal Your Liver 
  • Your Perfect Companion - A Guide to Crack the Fatty Liver Diet Code 

Grab Your Liver Transforming Plan for Only $699

Patient Reviews and Testimonials

In the past I had tried so many things and failed that I couldn't believe what another diet plan would do...I knew it all after all! But when I started with my nutrition plan, I realised that it wasn't about trying everything..but doing things that are right for me and doing them consistently to see the results. It made all the difference to finally finding relief from the constant pain I was in. Thank you Medhya Herbals!

Wendy Amanda Crawford

Not only did I make my liver healthy again, but I also lost the extra weight and got my health issues of BP, Tiredness, Acidity, Constipation and Bloating in control. The Doctors at Medhya Herbals made it easy for me to follow and stick to the nutrition plan. I feel so good and healthy now! Am kind of regretting why I waited for so long to do this...but better late than never!!

Victoria McDonald

Constant hunger, pain and digestive problems were my biggest problems before I started with my nutrition plan. Dr. Bansal at Medhya Herbals guided me to use the herbs, right food combinations and quantities to feel satisfied, yet light in belly after ever meal! I never knew it was possible and how easy it was...all the time I had been stuffing up and making myself sick. Now, I eat less, feel happy, light and satisfied. My weight is going down and my liver enzymes are showing healthy numbers.

Megan Ducker

The Bottom Line...

Your Personalised Nutrition Plan will Fast-Track Your Healing Journey and it's Available for You to Begin NOW!

Begin Your Fatty Liver Reversal Journey with these Amazing Helpful Bonuses...Hurry Up! Only Available to First 50 Sign-ups Each Week!

The Ultimate Guide to liver detox herbs

This is an essential guide to speed up your liver healing journey with potent herbal supplements that are all natural, 100% plant based and highly nourishing. Learn the most important herbs, their function and directions for safe consumption to support your liver health. 

THe ayurvedic fat burn guide to beat belly fat

Get your hands on ancient Ayurvedic secrets to beat the most dangerous body fat - the visceral belly fat. Learn the basics of how the health of your liver and the size of your belly are inherently connected and how to melt away your belly pouch with a healing regimen.  

Do Good to Your Liver Today and Avoid the Risk of Worsening Liver Condition with My 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee


If you’re not sure the personalised nutrition plan is right for you… Or you’ve been on this journey for a while and feel like you’ve already tried everything… Then I want you to have the opportunity to experience the positive effect a Customised Liver Healing Diet Plan can make on fatty liver condition and your overall health, risk-free.

You’ll see how good it feels to be in control of your hunger and energy, and know EXACTLY what dietary factors are contributing to the painful symptoms of fatty liver. You will know WHY you need to make certain dietary changes and HOW you can implement them to heal your liver.

So instead of the typical 30-day money-back guarantee, I’d like you to have 90 DAYS to completely implement your personalised nutrition plan, read all of the guides and bonus materials, and start taking action.

I’m SO sure that if you make the changes that feel right for YOU, that you’ll start feeling better about yourself and be on your way to healing your fatty liver and achieving optimal health. The only thing you have to do is believe that it’s possible and give it a try. You have nothing to lose and only health and self-confidence to gain.

Frequenty Asked Questions

How much time it takes for the personalised nutrition plan to show results?

The exact timeline for you to see Fatty Liver Reversal depends on your current health state and implementation of the nutrition plan. For fatty liver reversal, I have seen results in my patients over varied timelines of as soon as 4 weeks to as long as 9-12 months.

However, you will start observing significant improvement in your health symptoms within 2-3 weeks of following your nutrition plan. Usual symptoms as abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation, fatigue and mood swings will start resolving as your liver detoxes and gets rid of the excess fat deposits.

We will be providing you with all the support (involving 2 online consultations with the Doctor and full online support over email/whatsapp/telegram) you need to make the changes at your own pace and experience improved liver health over a period of 60 Days after your purchase of the Fatty Liver Nutrition Plan. 

The speed of your recovery is highly dependent on the level of discipline you maintain during your treatment.Through my framework, I will ensure you have all the required tools and information to overcome specific challenges one faces during their healing process, yet the ACTION has to be taken by you!

How will my individual health concerns be taken care of?

Your specific health concerns will be addressed by your designated doctor and health experts, who will monitor and adjust your diet chart and advise on natural remedies according to your health needs.

Can I join from anywhere?

Yes, your consultations, diet plan and all the related guidance on your personalised nutrition plan is provided online through video/audio mode and through downloadable guidelines, lists and protocols.

I have an existing health conditions and I am on medication. Can I still join in?

Yes, you should! By adopting right foods, dietary habits in your personalised nutrition plan, you will not only improve the health of your liver but be also able to tremendously improve your overall health and get relief from your health symptoms.

Our first step to put your health back on track is by identifying and removing the underlying CAUSES to your health problems. You should feel better physically and mentally once you start with your Personalised Nutrition Plan.

I live a very busy lifestyle and travel often. Can I follow the NUTRITION PLAN?

Yes, your Personalised Nutrition Plan is designed to cater to your lifestyle. Your doctor and nutrition experts will personalise the key aspects of implementing a liver healing diet plan in your daily routine.

I want to make a change –– but I’m worried I won’t be able to stick to it. Should I still give it a try?

It sounds like maybe you've had good intentions with diet changes in the past, only to lose interest after a couple of weeks...Believe me you are not alone in this...almost all of my patients have had this concern and this is exactly why I have put up your accountability & support keep you on track with your nutrition plan so that you achieve your health goals. Do not hold on to any doubts, any concerns or any questions, and do not settle for any less that what you need! 

In addition, when you feel you need a break for any reason, whether just like that..or for any occasion, festivities, or anything keep your nutrition team posted and they will support you with the best way forward with any specific dietary concerns that you may have during this period.

Plus, as your liver becomes better and your health improves, you will see significant boost in your energy levels and motivation to keep up with what you are doing :)

I have some more questions!

If there’s anything at all that you’re not certain about, anything we haven’t made clear; any concerns or questions then please do contact us at and we’ll help you out

Ready to Feel Drastically Better, Reverse Unwanted Symptoms, and Achieve Optimal Health?

Let's Get Started!

If you're thinking "this all sounds great but I'm not sure it's the right fit for me"...

You should try Your Personalised Nutrition Plan Risk-Free for 90 days if any of the following motivates you:

  1. 1
    You’ve been diagnosed with (or suspect you have) fatty liver disease and you want to start your liver healing journey on the right track, with a highly personalised nutrition plan, backed by science.
  2. 2
    You have the courage to take control of your fatty liver symptoms instead of letting them control you, and don’t just want to simply manage your symptoms but actually want to use proven steps to treat the root causes.
  3. 3
    You’re motivated by the potential to make flexible and adjustable dietary changes that fit into your lifestyle and you can’t wait to start learning and implementing the changes that you know will get you closer to achieving optimal health.
  4. 4
    You feel good knowing that you have 90 days to give it a try completely risk-free. Work with me to get your personalised nutrition plan and begin implementing the suggestions… if you don’t feel so much more confident that you’re on track to healing... contact us and we’ll promptly give you a refund.
  5. 5
    You’ve been to countless doctor appointments, but haven’t found the answers you were hoping for and the answers you do get are all about how you should mask your symptoms with steroids and pain killers or simply some instructions to lose weight, move more and eat a healthy diet.

Heather Baldwin

The guidance & support I received from my Nutrition Plan made it possible for me to reverse fatty liver condition & regain my health. I finally found freedom from constant pain and discomfort that kept me down all the time. And if you don’t know if the money would be worth it. Trust me it is. This will change your life and you don’t have to be stuck.

Jessica Casey

With my Nutrition Plan I have come to understand WHY and HOW to use my diet as the best medicine for my liver. This have given me a whole new outlook on life, and I'm actually excited to wake up every day, learn something new, and make effective changes without harming/depriving my body.

Don't Let Your Painful Fatty Liver Symptoms Steal the Best Years of Your Life!

Your liver is the power house of more than 500 vital functions in your body, thus how you feel deep inside your body and the state of your overall health is innately dependent on proper functioning of your liver.

Indeed Fatty Liver is an extremely painful condition, however you do not need to suffer in silence! You can revive your liver and gain your health back when you give your liver the right care it needs. It is possible to stop the progression of fatty liver disease and remove fats from your liver.

All you have to do now is to put your Personalised Nutrition Plan to action.

Everything you need is truly at your fingertips...

And in a few short months, you too could HEAL your fatty liver symptoms — just like all the other people who've successfully used my guidance to feel great again.

When you feel great, it infuses your entire life with happiness and joy. You accomplish more, you get more of what you want, and everyone around you is happier because they feel your joy

Don’t let fatty liver slow you down and rob you of your best years! 


To your health and happiness,

Dr. Pawan Bansal

Ayurveda Acharya (Ayurvedic Doctor with more than 40 years in natural healing)

Dr. Pawan Bansal

So… What are you Waiting for? 

Ready to Say Goodbye to Fatty Liver Symptoms and Hello to Health and Happiness?

If the answer is ‘yes!’ then get Your Personalised Nutrition Plan and Let’s Get Started!