How do I know if I have dosha imbalance?

Dosha for an Ayurvedic body type indicate the dynamic energies that have either gone out of balance or are prone to imbalances as a result of changes in your diet, lifestyle, environment or due to hereditary factors. For each question, please check the option that's applicable for you. On completion, you will get to know your "Vikruti" or the primary dosha that is out of balance.

Why You Should Know Your Dosha?

Ayurveda divides all living beings, not just humans, into three distinct body types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha body type based on their unique constitution.

Doshas are the dynamic energies that direct the functioning of each and every system in our body. To maintain health, it is essential that our dosha are in balance. However, dosha are changing all the time as a result of changes in our environment, our thoughts, the foods we eat and the lifestyle we pursue.

Sometimes, one or more dosha can go out of balance, leading to an imbalance in the dosha. Thus, when you know which dosha is out of balance, you can adopt a balancing diet, lifestyle and or Ayurvedic medicine to achieve health physically and mentally.


What are the three dosha?

Ayurveda divides all living beings, not just humans, into three distinct body types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha body type based on their unique constitution. Doshas are the biological energies that result from different combinations of the five basic elements - fire, water, earth, air and ether.

1. Vata dosha encompasses the elements Ether (space) and Air. It is the “queen” of all the dosha. It is the energy behind movement for everything in the universe and in the body, including both Pitta and Kapha. Vata dosha regulates movement (both voluntary and involuntary), circulation, and transportation.

Since Vata dosha governs so much, it tends to be imbalanced first and fast, even for people who do not have a Vata Prakruti. Ayurveda asserts that 80 diseases happen because of Vata imbalance, while Pitta has 40 and Kapha has 20.

2. Pitta dosha encompasses the elements Fire and Water and is considered the dosha of transformation because it changes our experiences from one condition to another. For example, pitta dosha governs our metabolism and converts food into bodily tissues. Pitta also governs the digestion of mental and emotional experiences.

3. Kapha dosha encompasses the elements Water and Earth and is considered the dosha of binding and structure. It provides stability, grounding, and stamina while the other doshas are more associated with movement. Kapha helps us feel calm, content, and compassionate, helps us taste our food, builds and nourishes all tissues of the body, lubricates joints and mucosal linings, and protects all physical systems of the body.

Can your dosha change?

The three ayurvedic doshas are known as vata, pitta and kapha. They are responsible for all the biological processes in our bodies, and each one governs a different set of functions. Vata controls movement and circulation, pitta regulates metabolism and digestion, and kapha oversees growth and repair.

Since dosha are dynamic in nature, they keep evolving and changing over time. However, an individual is aborn with a certain body constitution, which is their inherent dosha balance. This is called Prakriti. Over the time, when body's dynamic dosha balanced in disturbed, you arrive at a certain "Vikruti" or dosha imbalances, which should be worked upon to attain health.


Pitta imbalances are usually associated with inflammation or acidity in the body or in the mind. Remember: excess Pitta produces heat and anger in all forms.

Here are some typical signs of Pitta imbalance:

Pitta-pacifying protocols emphasize: cooling, calming, surrendering, and moderation. Sweet, Bitter, and Astringent tastes help balance excess Pitta.


Vata dosha imbalance is associated with dryness, roughness, degeneration and restlessness. Here are some of the classic, telltale signs of excess Vata in the body and mind:

  • Nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks, fear
  • Twitches, tremors, and spasms
  • Low energy, persistent fatigue and sluggishness
  • Anything to do with the nervous system – e.g. neuropathic pain, MS
  • Anything associated with immunosuppression or immunodeficiency
  • Dry, flaky skin and brittle, cracking, and peeling nails
  • Constipation, gas, bloating, and hard stools
  • Irregular digestion that is unpredictable from day to day
  • Low body weight, inability to gain weight, lose weight very easily
  • Light sleep often interrupted by waking up in the early morning hours (especially between 2 and 6)
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling of being spacey, forgetful, or scattered
  • Excessive thinking, worrying, and ruminating
  • Very quick to orgasm
  • Sensitive to loud, sudden noises

A Vata-pacifying protocol includes: routine, grounding, warming, lubricating, moisturizing, and calming foods and activities. Sweet, Sour, and Salty tastes help balance excess Vata.


Kapha dosha imbalance is typically associated with stagnation and heaviness in mind or body. Here are some characteristic signs of Kapha imbalance:

  • Excess mucous in the respiratory system and in stools
  • Thick, white coating (ama) on the tongue
  • Infrequent and sluggish bowel movements (e.g. consistently not having a bowel movement every day)
  • Emotional eating
  • High body weight, difficulty losing weight and easily gains
  • Difficulty waking in the morning and from naps
  • Feeling slow, brain fog, dull, lethargic, or heavy in mind and/or body
  • Feeling overly attached and possessive of people, things, or experiences
  • Stubbornness, complacency
  • Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, enlarged prostate

Kapha-pacifying protocols focus on: stimulation, movement, lightening, warming, and drying. Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent tastes help balance high Kapha.

How do you fix dosha imbalance?

There are many ways to fix dosha imbalance. One way is to eat a balanced diet that includes all six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. Another way is to take an herbal remedy or dietary supplement that helps to restore balance. And finally, you can see an ayurvedic doctor for a personalized treatment plan.

Disclaimer: Dosha Imbalance Quiz is a symptoms based online health assessment tool created by Medhya Experts. It is meant for information and education purpose only and should not be used for diagnosis. In case of unusual and serious health issues, you should contact your Doctor. For Ayurvedic treatment, you can schedule online consultation with Dr. Pawan Bansal at Medhya Herbals.