Pelvic inflammatory disease is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. It is a serious inflammatory disorder that results from pelvic infection that affects female reproductive organ.
Usually, PID infections start in the vagina or cervix and from there it moves upward, where it can infect the upper genital tract organ as the uterus, the ovaries or the fallopian tubes. Most cases are caused by sexually transmitted infections.
Ayurveda offers promising natural treatment for PID and health issues that arise as a result of inflammation in the reproductive tract. PID treatment using Ayurveda eliminates the underlying causes of inflammation in the body, providing long-lasting and safe results.
What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious infection of the reproductive organs. PID is usually caused by bacteria that travel from the vagina to the uterus, Fallopian tubes, or ovaries. In some cases, PID can be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
Pelvic inflammatory disorder can cause pain, fever, and heavy bleeding. It can also lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can cause female infertility or an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Although PID can occur in both women and men, it is most common in women of childbearing age.
With prompt treatment, most women recover from pelvic inflammatory disease without any long-term complications. However, the condition can occasionally lead to serious problems, such as abscesses or scarring of the tissues of the reproductive organs as uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes .
Causes of PID
PID is a gynecologic condition caused by infection of the female reproductive organs.
PID is caused by bacteria that enter the uterus through the cervix. The bacteria can then spread to the ovaries and Fallopian tubes.
Here are few factors and causes that trigger infections as observed in PID or make the symptoms worse:
- Poor personal hygiene
- Multiple sex partner, unnatural and unprotected sex and or excessive sexual activity
- Improper vaginal flora that affects immunity and type of vaginal discharge
- Suppression of natural urges specifically urination and defecation
- No exercise or a sedentary lifestyle
- Poor diet consisting of irregular meal timings, processed foods, fried, spicy and sugary foods
- Irregular sleeping patterns
- Prolonged labour
- Vaginal surgical procedures
- Insertion of IUCD

Symptoms of PID
PID is a serious condition that can lead to infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and ectopic pregnancy. The inflammation in the reproductive tract usually affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and or the cervix.
The most common symptoms of PID are pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain, but some women with PID may also experience other symptoms as listed below:
- Dull pain in the pelvis (area below the navel)
- Lower Abdominal pain or Lower back pain
- Abnormal vaginal discharge as thick white, yellow, green or watery vaginal discharge many a times with foul odour indicating Bacterial Infection (BV)
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding after intercourse
- Irregular menstrual bleeding and or painful menstruation
- Vaginal burning
- Pain during intercourse
- Frequent fevers with chills
- Painful urination, burning sensation or difficulty while passing urine
- Thick-white discharge and vaginal itching indicating vaginal yeast infections
If left untreated, PID can lead to scarring of the Fallopian tubes, which can block eggs from passing through to the uterus. This can cause infertility or an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus).
PID Pain
There are multiple types of PID pain, each with its own distinct sensation. The most common type is known as “vata pain.” This is characterized by a sharp, shooting sensation that can be quite intense. It is often described as feeling like a needle being inserted into the skin.
Another type of PID pain is known as “kapha pain.” This is a more dull, throbbing sensation that is often compared to a headache. It tends to be more persistent and can be difficult to relieve.
Finally, there is “Pitta pain.” This is a burning, itchy sensation that can be Intolerable at times. It is often described as feeling like acid being poured onto the skin.
Regardless of its exact nature, PID pain can be quite debilitating and should be treated accordingly.
Diagnosis and Testing of PID
It is important to catch PID early because it can lead to long-term problems such as infertility, chronic pain, and ectopic pregnancy.
There is no one definitive test for PID, it is usually diagnosed through a medical history and physical examination. A pelvic exam will be done to check for signs of infection. A Pap smear may also be done to check for changes in the cervix. Blood tests may be done to check for STIs and evidence of infection.
Imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, laparoscopy, or MRI may also be done to look for signs of infection.
PID Treatment Options
If you think you may have pelvic inflammatory disease, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to preventing complications from this serious condition.
In some cases, PID may resolve on its own without treatment. This is typically the case when the infection is mild or caught early and has not yet damaged the reproductive organs.
Treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease usually involves antibiotics. In some cases, surgery may also be necessary to remove the scar or the infected tissue.
However for chronic PID cases, antibiotics are largely ineffective as they do not treat the root cause of infection. In addition, antibiotics do not remove the toxins produced by bacteria and can cause more inflammation in the body as they also hamper gut and vaginal flora.
Taking a holistic approach that Ayurveda offers for treatment of PID is thus highly effective for chronic cases to remove toxin build up, reduce inflammation, restrict the growth of bacteria and infection causing factors and boost the immunity.
Ayurvedic Treatment for PID
In its early stages, PID can be treated with a combination of Ayurvedic medicine herbs and natural remedies that can prevent you from side effects of antibiotics. However, in chronic cases of PID one may need a systematic detoxification such as panchakarma therapy to clear the infections out of the reproductive tract.
PID treatment in Ayurveda focuses on treating the root cause of infections and inflammation in PID, eliminating the toxins produced by bacteria and building immunity of the reproductive system so that PID does not recur.
Here are steps involved in Ayurvedic treatment for PID:
- Detoxification to treat chronic PID infections and inflammation
- Removal of infections at root cause with natural & safe herbal antibiotics that have no side effects
- Eliminate inflammation & infections from the reproductive tract
- Boosting immunity to prevent PID recurrence
Your Immunity and PID
Usually the vaginal tract hosts millions of micororganisms that constitute the vaginal flora. It is a vital part of the immune system function that defends reproductive system organs from toxins, harmful bacteria, yeast and virus. However, when your immunity is compromised or your vaginal flora is not healthy, then you are prone to frequent infections and inflammation as a result of the micro-organisms.
That’s why strengthening your immune system is the most important part of treating PID with Ayurveda. In addition, when you follow an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle that keeps you away from the causes of PID, then you can also prevent PID from occurring in the first place.
Ayurvedic Medicines for PID Treatment
Ayurvedic medicines are highly effective for the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Ayurvedic herbs detoxify the body and help to reduce inflammation. They also help to boost the immune system, so that the body can fight off the infection more effectively.

- Ashoka: Ashoka is an Ayurvedic herb that is commonly used in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. This herb is known to possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which makes it effective in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with PID.
- Shatavari: Shatavari is another Ayurvedic herb that is commonly used to treat pelvic inflammatory disease. This herb is known to be a natural immunomodulator, which helps to strengthen the immune system and fight off infection.
- Guggulu: Guggulu is an Ayurvedic herb that has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. This herb is commonly used in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease to reduce inflammation and pain.
- Daruharidra: Daruharidra is an Ayurvedic herb that is known for its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antipyretic properties. This herb is commonly used in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease to reduce inflammation, pain, and fever.
- Dhataki: Dhataki is an Ayurvedic herb that is commonly used in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. This herb is an Astringent and possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which makes it effective in fighting off infection and reducing inflammation.
- Triphala: Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal mixture that is commonly used in the treatment of digestive disorders. This herbal mixture is known to possess laxative, detoxifying, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Ayurvedic Health Tips for PID Treatment
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that is based on the principle of balance in the body. Ayurvedic treatment restores the body to its natural state of balance and harmony. Here are Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines that you should follow to prevent PID infection and boost your immunity:

- Personal Hygiene: One of the most important things you can do to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease is to practice good personal hygiene. This means regularly washing your genitals and anus with soap and water. You should also avoid douching, as this can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina.
- Another way to maintain good personal hygiene is to urinate after sexual intercourse. This helps to flush out any bacteria that may have been introduced into your urethra during sex.
- Diet: Eating a healthy diet is important for overall health, but it can also help to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease. Foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fat can help to keep your vagina healthy and free from infection. Probiotic foods like yogurt and sauerkraut can also help to maintain the balance of good bacteria in your body.
- Herbal Remedies: There are many different herbal remedies that can be used to treat pelvic inflammatory disease. One of the most popular herbs for this condition is turmeric. Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Other herbs that may be helpful include neem, garlic, and ginger.
- Regular Exercise: Exercise is important for overall health, but it can also help to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease. Exercise helps to improve circulation and increase the flow of blood to the pelvis. This can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
- Reduce Stress: Stress can make the symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease worse. Therefore, it is important to find ways to reduce stress in your life. This may include yoga, meditation, or simply spending time with friends and family.
The best treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease is early diagnosis and suitable treatment approach according to an individual’s symptoms. With prompt treatment, most women make a full recovery from PID and go on to have healthy pregnancies.
However, if PID develops complications such as tubal blockage or infertility, an experienced Ayurvedic physician will need to conduct an in-depth examination and advise suitable treatment. Also, any patient who is experiencing severe abdominal pain, and high fever with vomiting or other signs of PID should see a doctor immediately, as it might require urgent therapy.
Consult with Medhya’s Ayurvedic Doctor to get your personalised health plan involving prescription for Ayurvedic medicine, diet, yoga and lifestyle guidelines.
1. Is pelvic inflammatory disease serious?
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive organs. It is a serious condition that can lead to infertility or an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by bacteria that enter the uterus through the cervix. The bacteria can then spread to the ovaries and Fallopian tubes. Treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease usually involves antibiotics. In some cases, surgery may also be necessary to remove infected tissue. With prompt treatment, most women recover from pelvic inflammatory disease without any long-term complications. However, the condition can occasionally lead to serious problems, such as abscesses or scarring of the Fallopian tubes. As a result, it is important to see a doctor if you think you may have pelvic inflammatory disease. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing serious complications.
2. Can PID be cured without treatment?
There is no one answer to this question as each person’s experience with PID will be unique. However, in most cases, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in order to clear the infection and prevent further damage to the reproductive organs. Without treatment, PID can lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can cause fertility problems or an increased risk for ectopic pregnancy. In some cases, untreated PID can also lead to chronic pelvic pain. While there are a variety of effective treatments available, it is important to work with a healthcare provider who is experienced in treating PID. With the right care, most people with PID can make a full recovery.
3. What is Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterus Infection?
The most common type of infection of the uterus is called endometritis. Endometritis is an inflammation of the endometrium, often caused by bacteria. Symptoms of endometritis include pelvic pain, cramping, fever, chills, and irregular bleeding. Endometritis can be treated with antibiotics. However, some women may require hospitalization if they develop a serious complication from endometritis, such as sepsis (a blood infection).
Ayurvedic treatment for endometritis includes herbs such as ashoka (Saraca indica), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). These herbs are used to treat the inflammation and infection of the endometrium. Ayurvedic treatment for endometritis also includes lifestyle changes such as avoiding spicy and processed foods, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Treatment of endometritis with Ayurveda is often successful in relieving symptoms and preventing complications.
4. Can a woman with PID infect a man?
Although PID can be caused by bacteria that are transmitted sexually, it is not considered a sexually transmitted infection. However, sexual activity is the most common way that bacteria are introduced into the reproductive organs. Once bacteria cause an infection in the reproductive organs, they can spread through the tubes and into the pelvis. In some cases, men can become infected with bacteria that cause PID. These infections are usually mild and do not cause any symptoms. However, men can transmit the bacteria to their sexual partners, which can lead to PID. Therefore, it is important for both women and men to be aware of the risk of PID and to practice safe sex to prevent its spread.
Management of Pariplutayonivyapad (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease): A Case Study