Ayurveda for fertility wellness guides that our fertility (optimal health of your reproductive system) is dependent on the well functioning of our mind, body and spirit.
According to Ayurveda, fertility is one of the seven Dhatus or body tissues. It is generated from previous six body tissues such as plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bones and nervous system.
That’s why the quality of your reproductive tissues and fertility really depends on the quality of your other body tissues.
So, you see! Ayurveda for fertility health emphasizes that the would be parents should strive for good overall health to boost their fertility. That’s the natural, safest and surest way for healthy pregnancy and healthy child.
In this post, we will learn about what Ayurveda for fertility wellness guides us to do for optimal health. We will go through the Ayurvedic herbs, diet and lifestyle and yoga asana that will help you to boost your fertility naturally and safely. Let’s get started!
Ayurveda for Fertility Wellness | What is it?
The ancient healing system of Ayurveda places great importance on fertility and the birth of a child. Fertility wellness is one of the 8 branches of Ayurveda.
It is an area of specialization and an essential pillar of the holistic and complete medical system that Ayurveda is.
“Vajikarana‟ is the branch of Ayurvedic medicine that deals with fertility wellness and infertility. The word “vaji” means horse, and “vajikarana” translates as “to make one potent like a horse.”
Ayurveda for fertility wellness involves practice of:
- discipline in the form of celibacy and healthy sexual life
- healthy and active lifestyle involving daily Ayurvedic routine
- consumption of fertility boosting foods, which also promote the health of your body and mind as a whole
- herbal formulations (known as aphrodisiac) and
- ample of rest in the form of sleep and recreational activities that also promote mental wellness
In today’s world, we are devoid of one or all of the these pillars for fertility. And that’s perhaps the reason, why infertility is increasing at such as astounding rate in India and across the world.
Infertility in Ayurveda
Infertility is defined as a failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. It could be either due to poor shukra dhatu (fertility) of a man or woman or both of them.
Here’s how a man or woman’s reproductive tissue or Shukra dhatu is affected:
- Reproductive tissue such as sperms and eggs not produced in sufficient quantity. For example, absence of ovulation in women as in PCOS and erectile dysfunction in men
- Shukra Dhatu is generated, but it is of poor quality. In this case a woman will not be able to conceive still as the egg or sperm or both are not able to function properly.
Now, why this happens is because, your earlier body tissues (that will make shukra dhatu) were not functioning well.
That’s how, your fertility wellness is really dependent on your overall health and how you actually feel in your body and mind!
What causes Infertility?
Infertility can arise due to several reasons. It could be due to events within your body that are out of your control. It could as well be due to environmental factors or lifestyle habits that you can control.
Here are some possible causes for infertility, which happens due to poor shukra dhatu (reproductive tissues):
- Abnormalities of the reproductive organs (Yonipradosha)
- Psychological abnormalities, such as fear during coitus
- Abnormalities of the reproductive tissues (shukra dhatu). This includes problems with the ovum, menstrual blood, and ovarian hormones
- Coitus in improper time (Akal yog)
- Weakness and lack of physical strength to become pregnant
- Environmental factors that can lead to sterility
- Poor mental wellness arising from health issues such as anxiety and depression
- Lack of sleep or insomnia
- Poor diet involving bad fats and excessive spicy or salty foods
- Toxin buildup in the body, which happens due to exposure to environmental chemicals and poor digestion
Three types of Infertility
- Vandhya: This is absolute, incurable sterility and infertility.
- Apraja: In this case, a woman’s fertility can be restored. She can get pregnant with treatment. It can be related to primary infertility.
- Sapraja: Here, a woman has previously conceived and borne a child, but she can’t have another. This can be compared to secondary infertility.
Physical and Mental Wellness to Boost Fertility
Ayurveda for fertility wellness involves healthy body, mind and attitude. In majority of the cases, infertility issues can be resolved by treatment and healthy diet and lifestyle.
If you are currently struggling to conceive, do have faith and right attitude. Ayurveda is 5000 year old medical science. It will help you to identify and treat your specific causes of infertility.
- MIND: Get rest, especially during menstruation (for women). Manage anxiety, depression, and poor sleep because these are damaging to fertility health
- BODY: Wear loose clothes. Avoid excessive heat and use cooling techniques like foot baths, showers, or sprays with cool water to bring the body temperature down.
- ATTITUDE: According to Ayurveda, the attitude and nature of the parents will pass on to the child.

Ayurvedic Treatment to Boost Fertility
Ayurveda for fertility wellness focuses on restoring the balance and natural functioning of the body. Ayurvedic treatment of infertility involves therapies to address the health of reproductive tissues (shukra dhatu).
A holistic medicine system, Ayurveda provides guidelines on the right diet, herbs and lifestyle to address the root cause of infertility.
Another good thing about Ayurvedic treatment for infertility is that there are no side effects. What you experience with Ayurveda is a complete rejuvenation of body and mind.
Once you become familiar with Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle, you also support your overall health and that of your family members (if they are dependent on you).
Therapies and Natural Remedies | Ayurveda for Fertility
The natural remedies that we will cover for Infertility treatment in Ayurveda are based on following:
- Ayurvedic Herbs
- Diet and Foods
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Exercise and Yoga

Ayurvedic Herbs for Fertility
Infertility treatment in Ayurveda involves the use of herbs to support Shukra Dhatu “ovulation”. It also helps to restore the natural rhythm of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Here is a list of herbs that will help you with it.
1. Kapikacchu or Konch ke Beej (Mucuna pruriens)
- It acts as a nervine tonic and reduces stress. Regular consumption helps to increase strength and stamina.
- Kapikacchu promotes ovulation and regular periods in women.
- Kapikacchu is rich in antioxidants. It reduces oxidative damage to sperm.
- It has aphrodisiac properties and is beneficial in oligozoospermia (insufficient sperm cells in the semen).
- Treatment with Kapikacchu has been shown to increase sperm count.
2. Ashwagandha
- Regular consumption of Ashwagandha helps in keeping the reproductive organs strong and healthy. It can be taken as a tonic or oral herbal remedy.
- It regulates hormones, improves psychological and physical stress, and keeps your reproductive system working optimally.
- Intake of Ashwagandha has been shown to improve the function of the thyroid gland, which directly affects female fertility through the regulation of reproductive hormones. A healthy thyroid typically means a healthy reproductive system as well.
- Many people experience daily stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha helps to calm the mind and balance the mood. It is helpful for proper sex life.
3. Shatavari

It is a revered Ayurvedic herb for female reproductive health and overall well-being. Shatavari is also known as a galactagogue and an adaptogen to activate the body’s energy systems.
- Shatavari is known to restore hormonal balance and improve the chance of conception.
- Regular consumption of Shatavari improves follicular maturity and stabilize irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
- It improves the production of white blood cells that help to reduce inflammation, detox and help to prepare a woman’s body for reproduction.
- Shatavari helps to produce healthy cervical mucus, which is responsible for helping the sperm get through the female reproductive tract and meet the egg.
- It contains mucilage that protects the mucous membranes of the cervix and acts as a tonic for it.
4. Vidarikand
- Vidarikand is a revered galactagogue Ayurveda. Regular consumption of vidari increases breast milk production by directly tonifying rasa dhatu and stanyavahasrotas (lactation).
- It provides nourishment with essential micronutrients and energy to the new mother post-delivery.
5. Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris
- Gokshura is a revered Ayurvedic herb for rejuvenation and to treat health disorders related to the kidney.
- It helps to balance hormones and flushes out high estrogen in men and women. Thus, it helps to increase testosterone levels in men and progesterone in women.
- Gokshura helps to build muscles and increase sex drive.
- This herb also falls into the category of adaptogens that help trigger energy systems of the body and relieve stress.
6. Banyan Tree Bark
- It helps to regulate the menses in women and promotes ovulation. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this powder with milk for 3 consecutive nights after menses every month.
- Tender leaf shoots of banyan tree also help to improve sperm quality, prevent watery sperm and prevent premature ejaculation. Dry tender leaf shoots in shade. Make powder of this and take 1 teaspoon every morning with milk.
- Banyan latest is helpful to increase body strength and prevent fatigue. Take few drops of Banyan latex with misri everyday in morning.
7. Lodhra
Lodhra is highly effective in reducing uterine disorders. It helps to regulate ovarian hormones, establishes regular ovulation and improves fertility.
It is a rich source of compounds called flavanol glycosides, which reduce inflammation and establish hormone balance.
8. Black Sesame Seeds
Black Sesame seeds act as a tonic for the reproductive tissues. They establish regular ovulation and also regulate menstrual flow. Black sesame seeds also prevent weakness and strengthen the body as a whole.

9. Turmeric
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to balance both Vata dosha and kapha dosha. Regular consumption of turmeric promotes regular ovulation and prevents irregular periods.
However, caution should be taken if you are suffering from excessive bleeding. Turmeric may make it worse.
10. Aloe vera
Aloe is rich in antioxidants that help to detoxify and reduce inflammation. Regular consumption of aloe vera can also help in restoring ovulation
Other Herbs to Boost Fertility
Vitex | Boosts fertility; alleviates symptoms of premenstrual syndrome; regulate the irregular menstrual cycle and heavy bleeding |
Maca | Boosts libido; regulate hormones and improves the health of the egg |
Alfalfa | Nourishes reproductive organs |
Red raspberry | Excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and Iron, strengthens the uterus |
Nettles | Nourishes reproductive and adrenal systems; prevents birth defects and aids in implantation and cell division |
Oatstraw | Helps in hormone balance, promotes nervous system health, an aphrodisiac |
Damiana | Balances irregular menstrual cycle; nourish reproductive system; boosts fertility |
Red Clover | Fertility booster; blood purifier |
False Unicorn | Promotes healthy menstrual cycle and help in correcting recurrent miscarriages |
Saw Palmetto | Nourishes reproductive system; boosts fertility |
All the herbs and formulations that have been shared in this post are for information purpose only. All of these are potent Ayurvedic medicines that should be taken under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor only. Do not indiscriminately use Ayurvedic herbs. It may cause more harm than benefit.
Foods and Diet | Your Natural Fertility Boosters
Beating infertility can be quite a task. However, if you give it all, you’ll find that you can beat it.
You can tackle infertility by minding your diet also. Here is a guide on what to eat and what you better avoid.
Boost your fertility with these foods
- Whole grains.
- Fresh organic fruits and vegetables.
- Soaked almonds or soaked walnuts.
- Sweet, juicy fruits like mangoes, peaches, plums,, and pears.
- Dried fruits like dates, figs, and raisins.
- Asparagus.
- Ajwain (carom seeds) powder, cumin, turmeric black cumin, and other spices.
- Banana cooked in ghee, cinnamon and cardamom make a good dessert.
Foods to avoid
- Foods with chemicals in the name of preservatives and artificial sweeteners.
- Excessively fatty and fried foods that contain unhealthy fats.
- Diet soda, caffeine, and alcohol.
- Limit white bread, pasta, rice, and other refined carbs.
- Consume animal products in moderation.
Healthy Lifestyle | Ayurveda for Fertility and Conception Care
For proper conception, Ayurveda has described four essential factors that must be put in place, and these are Rtu, Kshetra, Ambu, and Beeja.
1. Rtu (season/time)
The Rtu factor is the season or time of conception.
There is an optimal time for conception to occur. In the monthly cycle, this is between the fourth day and the sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation takes place in this period, and an egg is released for fertilization. This is why you must track your cycle. Learn more here about ovulation signs.
The Rtu is right when:
- You are stable in life, financially, and in other ways.
- When you are having regular and healthy menstrual cycles. It’s not the right time when you are experiencing skipped periods.
- There is peace around you, i.e. it is not a time of war.
2. Kshetra (field)
The field is represented by the organs of the reproductive system. The field has to be healthy and fertile for conception to take place. If there are doshic disturbances, for example, there can be no conception.
The field is healthy when:
- The body is free of toxins;
- The doshas are balanced;
- The uterus has a regular shape and a clear passage;
- The Fallopian tubes are not blocked.
3. Ambu (water and nutrition)
There must be proper nourishment for the conception to take place. If you recall, a poor diet can cause infertility.
The water being referred here goes beyond the one you drink. When we talk of ambu, plasma, rasa dhatu (lymph), rakta daktu (blood) all come mind. These must be healthy.
Ambu is optimal for conception when:
- Plasma, lymph, and blood are all strong;
- The hormones are balanced;
- Nutrients are balanced in the body
4. Beeja (seed)
The seed refers to the semen from the man and the ovum from the woman. It is only a healthy seed that will give rise to a healthy plant.
If the semen and/or egg is/are unhealthy, there will be defects.
The seed is healthy when:
- The couple is of an appropriate age, neither too young nor too old.
- There are good eating and social habits;
- There is minimal exposure to toxins in the environment. These could cause mutations in the fetus.
Regular Exercise to Support Mental Health and Physical Fitness
While you take the herbs and eat the diet to promote fertility, you should also back up your efforts with exercise. That way, you’re really approaching a balance.
Generally, you should exercise for at least thirty minutes every day. But do you do that?
Inactivity causes a lot of health issues related to hormone imbalance, weakness, poor quality bones and weight gain.
So, if you do not exercise, please make it a habit.
You stand a chance for Healthy Pregnancy
A lot has been shared here concerning fertility. Perhaps you’re facing infertility? You see, there is a lot of weaponry in the arsenal. Make optimal use of them, and you’ll have good news to share soon.
Consult with Ayurvedic Doctor at Medhya Herbals today to discuss your health issues. Receive prescription on Ayurvedic medicines, herbs, diet and lifestyle to boost your fertility naturally.
- Sutar Asmita Maheshkumar, Jadhav Sujata Popatrao, Effect Of Yogasan In The Infertility, International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091, http://www.iamj.in/posts/images/upload/643_652.pdf
- Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac): Misconception among Masses