Waking up in the middle of the night, your nightclothes soaked in sweat and a dampness around your neck and chest might seem like a scene out of a nightmare, but for many women, it’s an unwelcome reality. Night sweats, a condition that affects a substantial number of women worldwide, can be a source of confusion and distress.

As an Ayurvedic doctor at Medhya Herbals, I often interact with patients experiencing these unsettling symptoms. Unraveling the mystery of night sweats is a part of my daily practice, and I’m here to share my knowledge with you.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various aspects of night sweats, exploring answers to questions such as “why am I suddenly sweating in my sleep?” and “how to stop night sweats?” We’ll look into the possible causes, from hormonal imbalances to more severe health concerns, and address the differences between regular night sweating and night sweats.

Armed with the wisdom of Ayurveda, we promise to guide you through this journey, shedding light on this puzzling condition, and exploring natural treatment options. So, stay with us as we unravel the enigma of night sweats in women.

What are Night Sweats?

Night sweats, also known as sleep hyperhidrosis, refer to the occurrence of excessive sweating or perspiration during sleep. It’s not just about a moist forehead or damp palms, but a condition where you might wake up finding your clothes and bedding noticeably wet.

While it’s normal for your body to adjust its temperature through sweating, night sweats can often be linked to underlying factors. These can range from harmless circumstances, such as a warm room or heavy blankets, to more severe health issues like hormonal imbalances, infections, or even certain types of cancers.

Night Sweats vs Normal Sweating at Night

It’s crucial to distinguish between typical sweating at night and night sweats. Everyone sweats to some degree during sleep. It’s your body’s natural way of controlling its temperature. However, the intensity and the need to change your nightclothes or bedding differentiate regular night-time sweating from night sweats.

If you’re merely sweating because the room is too hot, or you’ve bundled up under heavy blankets, it’s normal. On the other hand, night sweats involve extreme sweating that can’t be attributed to environmental factors. It’s often a sign that your body is trying to fight something off, be it hormonal changes, stress, or a physical health condition.

The Stage of Sleep and Night Sweats

Night sweats can occur at any stage of sleep but are often noticed during the late stages of the sleep cycle, specifically during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This stage of sleep is characterized by active dreaming, increased brain activity, and potential fluctuations in body temperature, which can lead to episodes of night sweats.

Causes of Night Sweats in Females

Night sweats in females can be attributed to a myriad of reasons, from hormonal fluctuations to specific health issues. Understanding the root cause can help you seek the right treatment and find relief from this uncomfortable condition.

The Role of Hormones in Night Sweats

Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating our body’s functions, including temperature. In women, significant hormonal changes occur during various stages of life, such as menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. These fluctuations can sometimes result in night sweats.

One prime example is menopause. As women approach menopause, estrogen levels decline, causing the hypothalamus (the body’s thermostat) to misread the body’s normal temperature. This miscommunication can lead to hot flashes and night sweats.

Health Conditions that cause Night Sweats in Women

While hormonal changes are a common cause, night sweats can also indicate underlying health conditions.

  • Heart problems: Conditions like cardiovascular disease and heart failure can cause night sweats. If accompanied by symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention.
  • Thyroid issues: An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can lead to excessive sweating, including at night. It happens due to the increased metabolism rate caused by excess thyroid hormones.
  • Liver-related conditions: Certain liver diseases, like cirrhosis or liver infections, can cause night sweats. The liver plays a significant role in regulating body temperature, and any dysfunction can result in abnormal sweating.

Night Sweats and Cancer

Night sweats can also be a symptom of certain types of cancers. Lymphoma, for instance, often manifests with symptoms like fever and drenching night sweats. This symptom doesn’t necessarily mean one has cancer, but persistent night sweats along with other symptoms like unexplained weight loss or fatigue should prompt a consultation with a healthcare provider.

Common Symptoms of Night Sweats

The primary symptom of night sweats is excessive sweating during sleep. But, what does “excessive” mean in this context? It refers to sweating so intense that it soaks your nightclothes or bedding and requires you to change them. Here are a few specific symptoms:

Waking up drenched in sweat

The most noticeable symptom is waking up with your clothes and bedding soaked in sweat. It’s more than just feeling a little hot; it’s a level of perspiration that significantly disrupts your sleep.

Sweating around the neck and chest

Excessive sweating might not be generalized all over the body. Some women notice heavy perspiration around the neck and chest area specifically.

Cold sweats

A subset of night sweats, cold sweats refer to sudden, intense sweating that doesn’t result from heat or exertion. The body sweats to cool down, but with cold sweats, it’s not necessary, leaving your skin cold and clammy to the touch.

When to be Concerned about Night Sweats?

While it’s common to experience occasional night sweats due to reasons such as a hot room or heavy bedding, persistent and severe night sweats should not be overlooked.

Night sweats become a red flag when they significantly interfere with your quality of life or are associated with other concerning symptoms. Persistent night sweats, particularly when paired with other unexplained symptoms, could indicate conditions such as infections, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, or even certain cancers.

In such situations, seeking medical advice is crucial. Remember, it’s always better to address the issue early on than ignore the signs and let the potential condition worsen.

Recognizing the Red Flags

Night sweats can sometimes be the body’s way of signaling that something more serious is going on. Certain signs can indicate when night sweats may be a cause for concern:

  • Persistence: If your night sweats occur frequently, say more than once a week, and persist for a considerable duration (like a month), it might be more than just a random occurrence.
  • Severity: If the sweating is so intense that it wakes you up and disrupts your sleep regularly, it’s worth discussing with a healthcare provider.
  • Associated Symptoms: Night sweats accompanied by other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, fever, localized pain, cough, or diarrhea, could indicate an underlying health condition.

Diagnosis of Night Sweats

Diagnosing the cause behind night sweats involves understanding your medical history, evaluating your symptoms, and in some cases, performing certain tests. Let’s delve into the process.

Tests Performed for Night Sweats

To determine the cause of night sweats, your healthcare provider might recommend a series of tests based on your symptoms and medical history. These may include:

  • Blood tests: These can help identify hormonal imbalances, infections, or conditions such as diabetes or thyroid disorders.
  • Imaging tests: In some cases, an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI might be performed to check for issues like tumors or inflammation in the body.
  • Hormonal assays: For women going through different stages of life, hormonal assays could help identify any significant hormonal changes causing the night sweats.

It’s important to remember that the choice of tests would depend on your symptoms, age, and overall health condition.

Age Group Most Susceptible to Night Sweats

While night sweats can occur at any age, certain age groups are more susceptible due to physiological changes and the prevalence of certain health conditions.

Most commonly, women in their late 40s to early 60s may experience night sweats due to menopause and perimenopause. This is the time when estrogen levels start to decline, often leading to night sweats and hot flashes.

However, age is not the only determinant. Night sweats can occur at other stages in a woman’s life, or due to health conditions unrelated to age. If you experience persistent night sweats, irrespective of your age, it’s always a good idea to seek medical advice.

The Ayurvedic Approach to Treating Night Sweats

In Ayurveda, night sweats are often attributed to an imbalance in the Pitta dosha. Pitta governs all heat, metabolism, and transformation in the mind and body. When Pitta becomes imbalanced, it can manifest in several ways, one of which is excessive sweating or night sweats.

To restore balance, Ayurvedic treatments aim to cool the body and calm the mind. This could involve dietary changes (opting for cooling and fresh foods), lifestyle modifications (avoiding exposure to excessive heat, managing stress), and specific Ayurvedic therapies.

Embracing Ayurveda for Night Sweats Treatment

In Ayurveda, excessive sweating is often linked to an imbalance in the body’s doshas (life energies), particularly Pitta dosha, which governs heat and metabolism. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on restoring this balance through personalized diet, lifestyle recommendations, and herbal remedies.

Herbs like Sage, Black Cohosh, and Ashwagandha have been traditionally used to manage night sweats and hot flashes. However, it’s vital to seek advice from an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any herbal regimen.

Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, good sleep, regular physical activity, and meditation for overall health and well-being, which indirectly can help manage night sweats.

Remember, treating night sweats effectively involves identifying and addressing the root cause. Therefore, if you’re experiencing persistent night sweats, consider consulting a healthcare professional or an Ayurvedic practitioner for a personalized treatment plan.

Lifestyle Changes

While night sweats can be discomforting, several strategies and lifestyle changes can help manage and alleviate the symptoms. In addition, a healthy lifestyle changes can also have a significant impact on your overall health and hormonal balance:

  • Cool sleeping environment: Keep your room at a cooler temperature and consider using breathable bedding and nightwear.
  • Weight management: If you’re overweight, reducing your weight may help to decrease night sweats.
  • Avoid triggers: Certain substances like caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and nicotine can trigger hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Manage stress: High-stress levels can exacerbate night sweats. Incorporating stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help.
  • Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining body temperature. Dehydration can cause the body to overheat, resulting in excessive sweating. Therefore, maintaining proper hydration throughout the day can help prevent night sweats.

Effectiveness of Ayurvedic Treatments: Case Studies

Although individual responses vary, several women have found relief from night sweats through Ayurvedic treatments. Here are two such instances:

Case Study 1: Menopausal Night Sweats Treated with Ayurveda at Medhya Herbals

Patient Profile: Our patient, a 50-year-old woman, was going through her menopausal transition. She was struggling with severe night sweats and insomnia, severely impacting her quality of life.

Approach: Upon consultation at Medhya Herbals, our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners devised a personalized treatment plan. Recognizing her symptoms as indicative of elevated Pitta (fire element in Ayurvedic medicine), we suggested a Pitta-pacifying diet. This diet focused on cooling and nourishing foods to help balance her body’s internal heat.

Stress management techniques were also incorporated into her treatment regimen, as stress can exacerbate menopausal symptoms. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and gentle yoga were recommended to help promote a calm mind and ease her insomnia.

We also included a blend of Ayurvedic herbs known for their cooling properties and benefits for women’s health. These herbs work synergistically to support hormonal balance and provide relief from menopausal symptoms.

Outcome: After two months of diligently following this tailored Ayurvedic regimen, the patient reported a significant improvement. Her night sweats had substantially reduced, and her sleep quality had markedly improved. This case illustrates the effectiveness of a holistic Ayurvedic approach in managing menopausal symptoms and improving women’s health during this significant life transition.

Case Study 2

Patient Profile: A 35-year-old woman with a known history of thyroid disorders came to us with complaints of excessive night sweats. Her condition was significantly impacting her sleep quality and overall quality of life.

Approach: Recognizing the connection between her thyroid issues and the night sweats, the Medhya Herbals team formulated a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment plan. This plan integrated nutritional advice, lifestyle recommendations, and traditional Ayurvedic herbs.

The nutritional plan involved a thyroid-supportive diet that focused on foods known to help regulate thyroid function. In terms of lifestyle changes, the patient was encouraged to adopt regular yoga practices, which are known for their positive effects on overall health and specific benefits for thyroid function.

The Ayurvedic herbs included in her treatment were chosen for their proven benefits for both night sweats and thyroid health. Notably, the herb Ashwagandha was recommended due to its adaptogenic properties, meaning it can help the body manage stress and balance hormones.

Outcome: Following this personalized Ayurvedic treatment plan, the patient reported a significant reduction in her night sweats over time. Her sleep quality improved dramatically, allowing her to regain her energy and vitality. In addition to this, regular monitoring showed her thyroid hormone levels stabilized significantly, demonstrating the overall effectiveness of the Ayurvedic approach.


Night sweats can be an uncomfortable and distressing experience, especially when they persist over time and disrupt your well-deserved rest. Understanding the underlying cause of your night sweats is a crucial step in finding relief. And remember, it’s perfectly okay to seek help when things get overwhelming.

Ayurveda, with its holistic perspective, offers a comprehensive approach to managing night sweats. By treating the root cause, rather than just the symptoms, Ayurvedic remedies can provide long-term relief, bringing you back to a state of balance and well-being. Every individual is unique, and so should be their treatment.

At Medhya Herbals, our team of experienced Ayurvedic doctors understands this. They are ready to provide a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs and symptoms. Take the first step towards your health and well-being – schedule a consultation with us today. Because your health matters, and you deserve to live a life free from the discomfort of night sweats.


Are night sweats high or low estrogen?

Night sweats in women are often associated with lower levels of estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s thermostat. As women approach menopause, levels of estrogen naturally decrease. This fluctuation and eventual decline can confuse the body’s internal temperature control, leading to episodes of overheating, commonly experienced as hot flashes and night sweats. However, it’s important to remember that night sweats can also occur due to a variety of other health conditions, not just hormonal changes.

What nobody tells you about night sweats?

One aspect of night sweats often overlooked is their impact on mental well-being. Beyond the physical discomfort, persistent night sweats can lead to sleep disruptions, which over time can contribute to anxiety, stress, and depression. A good night’s sleep is crucial for physical health and emotional balance, and when it’s regularly interrupted by night sweats, it can significantly affect your quality of life. So, it’s not just about managing the symptom of sweating itself but also addressing the broader impact on overall health and well-being.

How do I know if my night sweats are hormonal?

Determining if your night sweats are hormonal typically involves looking at other accompanying symptoms and your life stage. If you’re a woman in her late 40s to early 60s, and you’re experiencing other signs of menopause such as irregular periods, hot flashes, mood swings, or vaginal dryness alongside night sweats, there’s a good chance your symptoms are hormonally driven. However, hormonal imbalances can occur at other life stages as well. Conditions like thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or even stress can cause hormonal fluctuations leading to night sweats. It’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis.

Are night sweats related to the liver?

Yes, night sweats can be related to liver conditions. Certain liver diseases, such as hepatitis or liver cirrhosis, can cause night sweats as a symptom. This is due to the liver’s essential role in regulating body temperature, along with its function in detoxification and metabolism. When the liver is not functioning optimally, it can lead to systemic issues, including difficulty in heat regulation resulting in excessive sweating, even at night. Moreover, fatty liver disease, which is increasingly common, can also lead to hormonal imbalances that may cause night sweats. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and treatment if you suspect a liver condition.

What age do you get night sweats during menopause?

The onset of menopausal symptoms, including night sweats, typically begins in a woman’s late 40s to early 50s. This period, known as perimenopause, is characterized by hormonal changes as the body prepares for menopause. However, the exact age can vary from woman to woman and can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, overall health, and lifestyle. During perimenopause, fluctuations in estrogen levels can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms can persist into menopause (the point when a woman hasn’t had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months) and even a few years beyond.

Night Sweats in Women Treatment-min

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About the Author

Dr. Pawan Bansal (Ayurveda Acharya)

Namaskar! I am a registered Medical Practitioner with more than 40 years of experience in Ayurvedic and Herbal treatment. Ayurvedic principles allow us to awaken the incredible physician within our body, help us to attain our potential, to perform, and to heal naturally.
Some areas in which I have successfully applied Ayurvedic medicine – Cysts, PCOS, Obesity, Fibroids, Infertility, Chronic Digestive Disorders, Autoimmune Disorders such as ​Thyroiditis, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Joint Pain, Inflammation, Chronic Cough, and Sinusitis.

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