Constant fatigue, digestive problems, excessive weight gain, and inability to lose weight are some of the trouble symptoms of hypothyroidism. Since your thyroid hormone levels regulate your metabolism, nearly all hypothyroidism patients seek help with weight loss and fatigue related issues.
If you have just gotten diagnoses of hypothyroidism or thyroid disease, then you need to know that you can naturally balance the thyroid hormone levels by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.
So, what's the best diet for hypothyroidism? What foods you can eat? What should you avoid? Or whether it is ok to have some fruits? And most of all, how can you improve thyroid hormone levels and lose weight?
This entire post is dedicated to provide you with an evidence based healing thyroid diet that also roots from Ayurvedic principles. Also, you can download here 7 days hypothyroidism diet plan pdf version that we have have prepared for you.
So, get ready to reverse thyroid disease and its symptoms with your diet! Let’s begin.
The Thyroid Gland & Thyroid Hormones
Hypothyroidism happens when you thyroid function is low, thus leading to insufficient thyroid hormone levels in your body.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is located at the base of your neck. It produces the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Though the thyroid gland is pretty small, its importance is very great.
Thyroid hormones are responsible for controlling metabolism. This means that how quickly (or slowly) you digest your food, your energy levels and your weight are all under their control.
Signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism
The symptoms of hypothyroidism differ from person to person. The signs and symptoms depend on the severity of thyroid problem and sometimes it is difficult to diagnose. Here are the common symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Feeling cold
- Depression
- Weight gain with poor appetite
- Constipation
- Decreased sweating
- Dry skin
- Muscle weakness and aches
- Decrease in heartbeat
- Increase in blood cholesterol
- Reduced memory and difficulty in concentrating
- Pain and stiffness in joints
- Hair loss
- Change in menstrual cycles or fertility-related difficulties
- Hoarseness
- Swollen and puffy face
Some of these are symptoms, while others are complications that might arise in the long term. If hypothyroidism is not tended, it can progress further and risk your health in the long term.
So, really you want to go all out against it to reclaim your health. You should do all you can, including exploring the best diet for hypothyroidism.
Role of a Healthy Diet to Reverse Thyroid Disease
Multiple research studies and thyroid disease reversal success stories of our own patients indicate that what you eat has a significant impact on your thyroid gland function and thyroid hormone levels in your body.
In fact, what you eat can control a lot of things.
1. Metabolism
Recall that your thyroid hormones control your metabolism. Also, when you have hypothyroidism, you have less thyroid, therefore, slower metabolism. That means that your digestion will also be slower.
The components of the foods that you eat now matter all the more. Why is that? Well, it is because now, you have to mind how fast the food can be digested (more than a person with a normally functioning thyroid) and how well the nutrients from your meals can be absorbed by your gut.
2. Nutritional Deficiency
Also, a large number of thyroid patients struggle with nutritional deficiencies related to low iron levels, iodine deficiency and Vitamin D deficiency. Your diet is an important source of these nutrients and multiple others such as Vitamin B, Selenium, Copper and Magnesium that support thyroid gland function.
3. Immune System Response
For thyroid patient who have hypothyroidism due to hashimotos disease (an autoimmune disease), it is important to normalise the function of the immune system and reduce the thyroid peroxidase antibodies in the body. Healthy diet provides you with essential micronutrients to boost immunity and healthy thyroid level.
Thus, with a good knowledge of all these, you can then optimise what you eat to match your needs for optimal thyroid health.
Best Foods and Nutrients to Control Thyroid Function
Best Foods for Hypothyroidism diet includes a wide selection of items from different food groups to cover your nutritional needs. Low thyroid function leads to poor metabolism and a risk of nutritional deficiencies.
Lack of nutrition impacts the functioning of multiple body systems, leading to functional symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, poor bone health, weight gain, and poor heart health.
Here is a list of nutrients and foods that are essential for a balanced diet for hypothyroidism:
Calcium Rich Foods
Body aches and back pain along with high risk for fractures are some of the health problems associated with poor bone health in low thyroid function. One should include calcium rich foods to support bone health and joint health.
- Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
- Herbs such as Fenugreek, Fennel, and Celery Seeds
- Seeds such as Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, and Basil Seeds
Vitamin D
It is an essential nutrient that supports your immune system health, heart health, and bone health. Hypothyroidism patients usually have low levels of Vitamin D.
That’s why you need to spend more time under the Sun to produce sufficient amount of Vitamin D.
- Usually 10 -15 mins per day for 3 days a week is optimum to generate enough Vitamin D.
- Early morning (2 hours after the sunset) and late evening (2 hours before the sunset) timings are considered to be the ideal timings of sun exposure.
- Here are some dietary sources of Vitamin D.
Omega 3 Rich Foods
Omega-3 rich foods promote health of the body and brain. Several studies indicate that Omega 3 foods can reduce psychological distress, anxiety, and mood swings, which are common hypothyroidism symptoms.
Additionally, Omega 3 foods prevent inflammation in the body, hence supporting heart health and immunity, specifically for autoimmune disease thyroid disorder. Omega 3 foods also support fat metabolism.
- Nuts and seeds such as flax seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, almonds, and chia seeds.
- Fish and other sea food such as oysters and shrimps
- Beans and lentils such as soy beans, kidney beans, and black eyed beans
- Seaweed
- Mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, enoki, and shimeji mushrooms
- Sprouts
Antioxidants are essential to support a healthy immune system, hence prevent recurring infections that are commonly observed in thyroid patients.
Additionally, antioxidants reduce inflammation and support the healthy functioning of all the body systems including the heart, digestive system, blood, and plasma tissues.
- Berries such as grapes, goji berries, black berries, jamun, and blue berries
- Vegetables such as beetroot, spinach, potato, pumpkin, and gourds
- Fruits such as apples, mango, start fruit, and jack fruit
- Sprouted grains and vegetable sprouts
Iron Rich Foods
Iron rich foods are essential for thyroid patients, specifically when you struggle with heavy periods. Many women face low Hemoglobin levels due to heavy bleeding or due to iron deficiency.
Iron rich foods also help to prevent thyroid symptoms related to Fatigue, restlessness, and lack of focus.
- Vegetables such as beetroot and leafy greens such as drumstick leaves, spinach, and amaranth leaves.
- Beans and lentils such as kidney beans, black eyed beans, horse gram, and black gram.
- Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, apricots, and figs
- Nuts and Seeds
- Herbs such as Amla, curry leaves, coriander, and basil
Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium is vital to keep your circulatory system and digestive system intact. One should avoid common salt in the diet and increase potassium-rich foods to prevent water retention, swelling, and edema. Potassium also prevents constipation by supporting the movement of the food through intestines.
- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, drumstick leaves, curry leaves, amaranth leaves, and kailan
- Dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, apricots, figs, and dates
- Cucumber, Zucchini, ash gourd, and other squashes
- Mushrooms
Iodine is essential for thyroid function. Inclusion of Iodine rich foods and/or iodine supplements will prevent related symptoms of sluggishness, hair fall, and poor skin tone.
- Seaweed such as kelp for Iodine
- Baked potato and sweet potato with peel for Iodine
- Eggs and dairy for Iodine
- Iodized salt and pure sea salt
Fibre Rich Foods
Dietary fibre is vital to boost the functioning of a sluggish digestive system faced in low thyroid function. Dietary fibre also acts as food for the gut bacteria, hence keeping your metabolism, immunity, and brain health in good shape.
Include a variety of fibre rich foods and supplements to support your gut health.
- Green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, and Sprouts
- Whole Grains, Beans, and Lentils
- Psyllium husk
- Nuts and seeds such as flax seeds and chia seeds
Probiotics support the health of our gut microbiome. They form an essential part of Thyroid Diet. Probiotics help to maintain required number of gut microbes as they are food sources that give healthy bacteria, fungi, and yeast to our body.
A healthy gut microbiome is key to our physical and mental health.
- Curd or Takra (Buttermilk)
- Kefir
- Pickles
- Miso Paste
- Tempeh
- Sour Dough
- Kanjika
- Kavass
- Idli
- Kimchi
- Kombucha
- Sauerkraut
- Cheese
- Natto
Proteins for Hypothyroidism Diet
Proteins are the building blocks of our physical body. Adequate amount of proteins is required in your meals to avoid muscle loss and fatigue.
In fact, insufficient amount of proteins in your diet often leads to sluggish thyroid, poor fat metabolism, and nutritional deficiencies.
- Beans, Lentils, and whole grains such as quinoa
- Dairy such as milk, curd, and cheese
- Lean meat products
- Green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables
- Sprouted grains and vegetables
Selenium rich Foods
Selenium supports thyroid function and promotes immunity. Regular intake of Selenium rich foods will prevent symptoms related to poor thyroid function and also prevent inflammation.
- Brazil Nuts
- Seaweed
- Beans
- Lentils
- Sprouts
- Sunflower seeds
- Brazil Nuts
- Shellfish
- Beef
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Mustard Seeds
- Ground Ginger
- Oat bran
- Barley
- Pinto Beans
- Garlic
Zinc Rich Foods
Zinc is an important ingredient of thyroid diet as it “activates” the thyroid hormones.
Researchers have confirmed that zinc can help regulate the body’s TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) levels. High TSH levels tell of an underactive thyroid.
Top food sources of Zinc include:
- Brown Rice
- Whole Wheat
- Oats
- Millets
- Dried Beans and lentils
- Leafy Greens
- Yams
- Nuts
- Sunflower seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Sesame Seeds
- Eggs
- Fermented whole grain foods
- Basil
- Oregano
- Cocoa Powder
Foods to Avoid in Hypothyroidism Diet
As there are foods to eat for hypothyroidism, so are there foods to avoid for a healthy thyroid function.
Excessive Cruciferous vegetables
Vegetables are good, yes, but some of them are not as kind as the rest. There is a group of vegetables called cruciferous vegetables and the vegetables of the mustard family. Some examples are mustard greens, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, kale, turnips, Brussel sprouts, etc.
Research has shown that excessive consumption of these vegetables (specifically in the raw form) can inhibit your thyroid gland from properly utilizing iodine. However, do note that small amounts in cooked form are really good to support your liver.
That’s why you should limit consumption of cruciferous vegetables in your diet and avoid raw form completely.
Gluten Rich Foods and Grains
Gluten can be found in bread, pasta, wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. Foods processed from these prior-named foods also contain the same gluten.
If you are a thyroid patient, you may want to limit your intake of gluten foods.
Celiac disease has been shown to also go along with hypothyroidism. In celiac disease, your small intestine gets irritated due to gluten consumption. Also, one of the hypothyroidism symptoms has to do with bowel irregularities. This points to some connection.
Hence a gluten free diet is usually recommended for patients that struggle with celiac disease symptoms.
In addition to that, gluten may hinder the absorption of thyroid hormone in the small intestine. According to a 2019 study published in the Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes found that a gluten free diet has clinical benefits with thyroid disease.
Unhealthy Fats and Processed Food
Hypothyroidism is a hormonal imbalance, therefore, eating unhealthy fats can be harmful and can worsen thyroid problem.
Unhealthy fats disturb thyroid hormone production from the thyroid glands. They also interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormones.
Avoid butter, margarine, fatty meats, fried foods, and other unhealthy fats. Rather, eat fats with omega-3 fatty acids. These are healthy.
The isoflavones in soy have been a source of concern. These chemicals may hurt the thyroid function. Some believe that people who take soy are at an increased risk for hypothyroidism.
However, a 2019 study has found that soy has moderate effects.
So, it then depends on how much of it you eat. People who are taking thyroid medications, in particular, should mind their intake of soy. If soy is taken together with your medicines, it might hinder the medication from being effective. This is because soy affects thyroid absorption also.
Also, soy contains goitrogens. These compounds interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid.
Coffee and Alcohol
Mind when and how you take coffee. It can block the absorption of thyroid hormones if you are undergoing HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
You should not take your medication with a cup of coffee either. Simply use good old dear water.
Remember that, with hypothyroidism, your metabolism is slowed down. By extension, your body’s ability to process the sugars is also slowed down.
Reduce the number of sugar you take in or avoid it completely. You don’t necessarily need to take sugar additives if you eat carbohydrates the right way.
These prevent the thyroid from functioning normally.
The term goitrogen is derived from “goiter”, a condition in which there is an enlarged thyroid gland.
Goitrogens are fairly common, and they can be found in soy, cruciferous vegetables, starchy plants, etc.
7 Days Thyroid Diet Plan
Now that you have an understanding of the choice of foods, let’s dive into your 7 Day Thyroid Diet Plan.
1. Thyroid Diet Chart
As you saw above, one of the key ingredients of thyroid diet is variety of fresh foods that are cooked in an easy to digest way. Here is your diet chart on meal proportion and distribution:

30% Meal Portion should be Fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.
30% Meal Portion should be Complex Carbs as Whole grains, cereals, and starch-based food products
30% Meal Portion should be Lean proteins such as lentils, beans, fermented soy products
10% Meal Portion should be Healthy Fats
2. Hypothyroidism Diet Plan for Weight loss
Having learned the best and worst foods for thyroid diet, you might wonder how to do it. How do you combine these food items? How do you ensure you’re getting enough nutrients without getting on the wrong tracks?
Here is a sample 7 days Thyroid Meal plan for you:
Day 1:
- Breakfast: Quinoa porridge with berries and a sprinkle of hemp seeds and shredded coconut (protein and fiber) – Sip on chamomile tea.
- Lunch: Lentil salad with roasted zucchini, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, quinoa, and a light vinaigrette dressing (protein and fiber). – Enjoy with mint tea.
- Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted sweet potato and green beans (seafood for iodine and filling).
Day 2:
- Breakfast: Mung Beans or Lentils pancakes with berries and a drizzle of honey (protein and calcium) – Pair with peppermint tea.
- Lunch: Baked Salmon with Dill and Lemon + Sweet Potato Wedges + Steamed Asparagus
- Dinner: Shrimp scampi with whole-wheat pasta and steamed broccoli (seafood for iodine and light meal).
Day 3:
- Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms (2-egg serving) + Green Beans stir-fry with avocado (20g protein) – Pair with peppermint tea.
- Lunch: Chickpea and quinoa salad with lettuce and roasted cherry tomatoes + bell peppers (protein and fiber). – Sip on chamomile tea.
- Dinner: Baked cod with roasted Brussels sprouts and brown rice (light and protein-rich).
Day 4:
- Breakfast: High-protein yogurt parfait with layers of yogurt, berries, and a sprinkle of chia seeds and sunflower seeds (protein and fiber) – Pair with ginger tea.
- Lunch: Tuna salad with chopped celery and brown rice (protein and healthy fats). – Enjoy with peppermint tea.
- Dinner: Vegetarian chili with a side of sweet potato (warming and easy to digest).
Day 5:
- Breakfast: Seed and hemp seed bread with sliced avocado and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast (protein and fiber) – Sip on chamomile tea.
- Lunch: Lentil soup with rice (protein and fiber) + side salad. – Enjoy with ginger tea.
- Dinner: Salmon with roasted asparagus and quinoa (rich in iodine and protein).
Day 6:
- Breakfast: Tofu scramble with turmeric and chopped vegetables with veggie stir-fry (protein and fiber) – Pair with peppermint tea.
- Lunch: Black bean and quinoa salad with chopped vegetables and a light vinaigrette (protein and fiber). – Sip on chamomile tea.
- Dinner: Baked cod with roasted sweet potato and green beans (light and protein-rich).
Day 7:
- Breakfast: Smoothie with coconut water, spinach, banana, and seeds and nuts (protein alternative)
- Lunch: Chicken or lentil black bean salad with avocado and mixed greens (protein and fiber) – Pair with ginger tea.
- Dinner: Shrimp stir-fry with brown rice noodles and mixed vegetables (seafood for iodine and flavorful).
Morning/Evening Snack Options
Add on these thyroid healthy snacks in between your meals should you need to. It will help you to keep you your hunger levels in check while supporting weight loss:
- Edamame pods with a sprinkle of sea salt
- Rice cakes with sliced avocado
- Berries
- Handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
- Hummus and fresh vegetables as celery or carrots
- Cucumber slices
- Lemon water or coconut water
- Apple Beets and Celery Juice
- Fresh slices of coconut
From the above post, you will find that there are multiple foods to support thyroid function. To adopt the best thyroid meal plan is to adopt the on that is best for you. You will also enjoy all the benefits of eating healthy. Start now!
Below you can download 7 Days Hypothyroidism Diet Plan pdf version for reference. If you need further support to follow the diet plan, lose weight or considering Ayurvedic treatment to manage or treat Thyroid Disease Naturally, do contact us here, we will help you out.
1. Should I adopt the ketogenic diet in my Thyroid meal plan?
Keto diet has become very popular these days. But, before we dive into this question; let's first try to understand what is a Keto Diet.
In a ketogenic diet plan, you consume none or very small amounts of carbohydrates. Majority of your food includes healthy fats and proteins.
How does Keto Diet work?
Normally, your body uses carbohydrates as the primary source of energy. When there is little of this, the body is deprived of its primary energy source.
And when your body doesn't get it preferred source of fuel, (which is carbohydrates), it begins to convert fat cells into energy. Thus, fat is burned an you lose weight quickly. Simple enough?
But here's the glitch!
There are serious long term health side effects involving premature aging, degeneration of body tissues, and serious carbohydrate cravings that one comes to face with; when you go on keto diet for long term.
Keto Diet for Thyroid is a quick fix that can backfire and make your symptoms worse!
One reason why keto diet isn't is that your body does need the sugar. A Thyroid meal plan should be something that you can sustain in the long-term, but this ketogenic diet can't be done forever. It wouldn't be advisable to keep on it for the long-term.
Another reason why the ketogenic diet is not the best diet for Thyroid is that when there is little sugar in the blood, your sugar cravings go sky high. So high it becomes very difficult to not bow to it.
2. Which vegetable oil is good for Thyroid Meal Plan?
Vegetable oils are not exactly vegetables. They contain significantly high amount of unhealthy fats. Yes, that's how unhealthy they can be, especially for someone trying to reverse hypothyroidism with diet.
Noteworthy, these oils are processed. Whereas, the goal here is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Additives that are put in during the many stages of processing are not all healthy either.
Sticking with oil can lead to obesity, and also an increased risk of heart diseases. Rather, take healthy fats instead, the ones with the good guys omega-3.
3. Are all fruits okay for Thyroid Meal Plan?
Fruit juices are not fruits. The whole idea is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. So, away from the fruit juices.
On the other hand, fruits themselves are an excellent choice. Some of them do contain fibres also. Watch out for excessively sweet fruits, however. They contain high amounts of fructose, which is like another way of saying sugar.
Apples, plums, berries, grapes, etc, are great. As a bonus, some of them have anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve symptoms.
Nidhi – always love trading your articles.
Thank you so much Chaitanya 🙂 So nice to hear from you!
I have hyperthyroidism and was diagnosed a month ago. Can hypothyroidism diet you send work it and am a man with hyperthyroidism
Hello, I have subclinical hyperthyroidism. Also a nodule on thyroid. Please help me with a diet plan for hyperthyroid and how to get rid of nodule naturally by changing my diet.
hi! Pls check here for thyroid nodules:
You will find info for hyperthyroidism in here:
Iam hypothyroid person and lean want to gain weight
Hello! Our doctors can help. You can consult with us online and take appointment here for a personalised treatment protocol involving herbals, diet and lifestyle (yoga guidelines). You can take appointment here
Can I have orange ginger shots in the morning…I have an under active thyroid
Hi! Depends on how it is prepared and strength of the mix. Ideally, both the ingredients are good for thyroid support.
Hi there
I need an appointment for an one to one consultation
Hello! Yes please, you can take appointment with our doctors in here: