Menarche is the beginning of the menstruation or first time vaginal bleeding for adolescent girls. It is the beginning of the fertile window in the lifecycle of females.
It is also one of the signs of puberty and an important marker of a functional HPA Axis. In Ayurveda, Menarche is termed as Rajopravati, Rajodarshan, or Prathma Artavadarshana, which begins at a usual age of 12-13 years.
Menarche age may vary in girls, sometimes being as early as 10 years and as late as 16 years depending on their dosha (Ayurvedic body type), diet, and lifestyle. Early onset menarche and late onset of menstruation have both been stated as health concerns in Ayurveda.
Parents should be watchful of the diet and lifestyle of their young daughters as they cross this vital window of change in their Body and Mind.
Menstruation and Menstrual Cycle
Menstruation is cyclic physiologic uterine bleeding due to the shedding of the endometrium. This is due to the interplay of hormones mainly through the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis.
The normal length for menstrual cycles is between 21 and 35 days. While most periods last from 3 to 5 days, duration of menstrual flow normally ranges from 2 to 7 days. For the first few years after Menarche, irregular and longer cycles are common.
- A healthy menstrual cycle is regular with stated length and cycle duration.
- Healthy menstrual discharge is pain-free and symptom free.
- Healthy menstrual blood is bright red in colour, not scanty, and neither excessive. It does not stain clothing.
Ayurvedic View of Menstruation
In Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle is known as Rituchakra or Artavachakra. The word ‘chakra’ signifies its regular onset at regular intervals, just like a cycle or wheel. A single Rituchakra covers a period of one lunar cycle of 28 days.
In Ayurveda, also the importance of Ahara (Diet) and Vihara (Lifestyle) for the women during menses have been stated. It is termed as Rajaswala Paricharya. These guidelines have been practiced by females for hundreds of years to prevent and manage menstrual disorders.
Dosha and Menarche
All three Dosha play a role at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Kapha Dosha sows the seeds towards the growth of the endometrial layer. Vata Dosha lets the ovum out of ovaries and moves it to Uterus.
Pitta Dosha allows the build of the uterine layer as it controls the blood tissue. Apana Vata Dosha lets the menstrual discharge out of the reproductive system. Here is how different Prakriti females experience their menstrual cycle.
- Kapha prakriti has late Menarche. Menstrual cycle is usually accompanied by weight gain and lethargy during menstruation.
- Pitta prakriti has early Menarche.
- Vata prakriti has irregular menstrual cycle and usually painful.
Health Challenges and Menstrual Problem in Menarche

An early menarcheal age is associated with increased risk for breast cancer, obesity, endometrial cancer, and uterine cancer.
Late Menarche has its own complications which may range from malfunction of HPA axis, reproductive organs and systems disorders. Late Menarche also puts health of the adolescent at risk through weak bone density, osteoporosis, and related bone health complications.
It is not uncommon for young girls to experience a range of health symptoms when they reach menarche, the onset of menstruation. Some of the common menstrual problem are:
1. Abdominal cramps
Many girls experience mild to severe menstrual cramps just before and during their period. While over-the-counter medication can help to ease the pain, some girls find relief by using a heating pad on their stomach or lower back.
2. Mood swings
It’s not uncommon for girls to experience premenstrual syndrome, moodiness and irritability in the days leading up to their period. If your daughter is having trouble coping with her emotions, try to be understanding and offer support.
3. Breakouts
An increase in reproductive hormones can trigger acne breakouts around the time of menstruation. Help your daughter manage her skin by teaching her proper cleansing and exfoliation techniques.
4. Fatigue
Feeling tired is common during menstruation due to the loss of blood and increased hormonal activity. Encourage your daughter to get plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet to help combat fatigue.
5. Bloating
Many girls feel bloated or experience an increase in abdominal girth just before and during their period. This is due to the retention of water in the body and can be alleviated by drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding salty foods.
6. Heavy Bleeding
Some girls have heavier than normal menstrual flow or dysfunctional uterine bleeding during their menstrual cycle. Excess blood loss can cause them to feel run down and weak. If your daughter is having a heavy period, she may need to use a higher absorbency tampon or pad. She should also drink plenty of fluids and avoid strenuous activity.
7. Menstrual Irregularity
It’s not uncommon for girls to have irregular periods in the first few years after menarche. If your daughter’s period is very light or lasts less than two days, it is considered irregular.
Some girls may experience amenorrhea (no periods) or only have a period every few months. Irregular menstruation is often due to changes in hormone levels and usually become more regular over time.
However, if your girl is experiencing amenorrhea (no periods), then it may indicate hormonal imbalance or health conditions as PCOS or problems with HPA axis that needs to be checked.
Ayurvedic Self-Care for Menarche
The onset of menarche signals the beginning of a woman’s reproductive years. In Ayurveda, this time is considered an important turning point in a woman’s life, and steps should be taken to ensure that her transition into adulthood is as smooth and healthy as possible.
There are a few simple things that can be done to promote a healthy menstrual cycle, both during menarche and throughout a woman’s lifetime.

Ayurvedic Diet for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle
Ayurveda recommends a healthy diet for women of all ages, but especially during menarche and the reproductive years. Foods that are nourishing and easy to digest are best, as they help to reduce the amount of stress on the body. Foods that are particularly beneficial for women’s health include leafy greens, whole grains, dairy products, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Consume simple, freshly prepared and hot food items. Try adding spices such as Ginger, Cardamom, Cumin, Coriander, and Cinnamon.
- Hydrate the body with warm teas such as ginger tea, lemon tea with honey, cumin, coriander, and fennel teas.
- Maintaining the balance of Doshas even at the time without menstruation is important. The better way to maintain Doshas in equilibrium is to do yearly cleanse. Seasonal cleansing is a highly effective way to balance and rejuvenate all bodily tissues so that they function optimally.
- Practicing Pranayama for balancing the mind as it helps to equalize the right and left sides of the brain and Yoga as per the constitution will keep your body strong and energetic.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Guidelines for Menarche
It is important to maintain a regular daily routine including regular mealtimes and sleep patterns. This helps to balance the body’s natural rhythms and prevent vata dosha imbalance that can lead to irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
Exercise is an important part of keeping the body balanced and promoting a healthy menstrual cycle. Ayurveda recommends moderate exercise such as walking or yoga, which helps to improve circulation and reduce stress.
It is important to find ways to relax and de-stress. This can be done through activities such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Reducing stress is crucial for maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle, as stress can lead to imbalances in the body that can cause irregularities.
Education and Mental Support to Young Girls
Mothers, media and school health programs must teach young girls, before and at the age of Menarche on various health topics as below. These discussions are aimed for girls to feel free to discuss menstrual matters without any inhibitions.
- Normal physiological aspects and its implications
- The facts of menstruation
- Development of secondary sexual characteristics
- Selection of a sanitary menstrual absorbent, and its proper disposal
- Also, the production of the sanitary napkin can be taken up by women self-help groups as women/adolescent girls should be aware of how to use old cloth hygienically.
If your daughter is experiencing health challenges during menarche, it’s important to talk to her doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
In most cases, the challenges of menarche are temporary and will resolve on their own over time. In the meantime, offer support and understanding as she adjusts to this new stage in her life.
By following Ayurvedic tips, you can help ensure a smooth transition into adulthood and a lifetime of good reproductive health.
1. What triggers menarche in females?
There is no one answer to this question as menarche can be triggered by a variety of factors. In Ayurvedic medicine, we believe that menarche is primarily dictated by the health of the reproductive organs and the overall strength of the body.
Menstruation does not occur in young girls because their yoni or reproductive system is yet not developed. As the children grow older, their body organs and bodily systems such as the Immune system, the Neural system, and the reproductive systems undergo development as well.
The organs and the body systems attain maturity at adulthood, where their body has maximum strength and endurance. If the reproductive organs are healthy and the body is strong, then menarche will typically occur around the age of fourteen.
However, if there are any imbalances or weakness in the reproductive system, menarche may be delayed or may not occur at all. There are many things that can trigger an imbalance in the reproductive system, including poor diet, stress, and exposure to toxins. By focusing on overall health and well-being, we can help to ensure that menarche occurs at the right time.
2. What is the ideal age for menarche?
The ideal age for menarche, or the first menstrual period, is considered to be between fourteen and sixteen years old according to Ayurvedic medicine. This is because the body is still growing and developing during this time, and the female reproductive system is maturing.
Ayurveda believes that menarche should not occur before the age of fourteen, as this can interfere with proper development. Similarly, menarche should not occur too late, as this can lead to problems with fertility.
The ideal age for menarche is thus considered to be between fourteen and sixteen years old, when the body is still growing and the reproductive system is maturing.
3. What does Ayurveda say about menstruation?
In Ayurveda, menstruation is considered to be a natural and necessary process that helps to maintain a woman’s health. It is believed that the regular shedding of the uterine lining helps to prevent build-up of toxins in the body. Menstruation is also thought to help balance the hormone levels in the body, and Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend regular periods as a way to promote overall health and well-being.
Some women may experience pms like health symptoms during menstruation, such as menstrual cramps or fatigue, but Ayurveda offers a number of simple remedies that can help to alleviate these symptoms. By understanding the importance of menstruation, women can learn to appreciate this natural process and take steps to ensure their own health and well being.
4. Why is my period late Ayurveda?
Periods are generally considered to be late if they occur more than five days after the expected date. There are a number of possible reasons for this, including stress, rapid weight loss or gain, and certain medications. However, in Ayurveda, late periods are often seen as a sign of imbalances in the body’s three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Ayurvedic treatment for late periods and irregular periods typically involves using herbs and other natural remedies to restore balance to the body. In some cases, specific dietary and lifestyle changes may also be recommended. If you are concerned about why your period is late, it is best to consult with an Ayurvedic doctor for a full evaluation.
5. What affects the age for Menarche?
The important controlling factors for onset of Menarche are below. It has been observed that a girl living in urban areas with good nutrition, adequate body weight, and whose mother and sisters have early menarche, starts puberty early.
Here are the controlling factors that decide the age at which menstruation begins in a girl:
- Genetics
- Nutrition – Malnourishment delays Menarche
- Body weight – Obesity promotes early Menarche and / or Menstrual Disorders
- Psychological state – Stress leads to early Menarche
- Exposure to light – Vitamin D is essential for functioning of reproductive system
Statistical data states that the age of Menarche has gradually decreased by about 4 months in every 10 – year interval.
6. How can girls avoid early puberty?
Puberty is a time of physical changes and growth spurts. For girls, these changes can include breast development and the onset of menstruation. While these changes are natural and necessary, they can sometimes be difficult to adjust to. There are a few things that girls can do to help slow down puberty naturally.
First, they can avoid processed foods and eat a diet rich in whole foods instead. Second, they can exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
Finally, they can try some Ayurvedic herbal supplements like Triphala, Turmeric and Amla. If girls take these steps, they may find that their bodies adjust more easily to the changes of puberty.